Sunday, May 5, 2013

How to strengthen bones

According to a shocking survey , 30% of people are at a risk of or already suffer Osteoporosis (a condition where a person has week and brittle bones).
Often people ignore taking care of bones until they fall in real sickness. But one must not forget that these are the supporting part for our body.

Calcium is the main factor responsible for the state of the bones. Apart from this calcium is also responsible for other important functions in the body like clotting, sense of touch and pain, etc.
However, if you do not take sufficient Calcium, the body starts fetching it from the bones. This eventually decreases the size of bones and make them brittle. Thus it is very important to include it in a balanced diet.
Calcium is thankfully available in  many common food items such as tofu, cheese, milk , white beans and cereals.


  1. Recently I came across, the D vitamin significance.

    This vitamin also is very important for health.
    Normally we get it from morning sunlight. But now days due to in-house lifestyle it is low in proportion.

  2. Recently I came across, the D vitamin significance.

    This vitamin also is very important for health.
    Normally we get it from morning sunlight. But now days due to in-house lifestyle it is low in proportion.
